Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)


3 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2024
Business Combination, Asset Acquisition, and Joint Venture Formation [Abstract]  
Acquisition Acquisition
Vapor Power
On January 2, 2024, we announced our acquisition (the "Vapor Power Acquisition") of 100% of the issued and outstanding equity interests of Vapor Power International, LLC and its affiliates, (“Vapor Power”), a leading provider of high-quality industrial process heating solutions, including electric, electrode and gas fired boilers. The acquisition was consummated on December 29, 2023 (the "Vapor Power Acquisition Date") and the seller was Stone Pointe, LLC. We have integrated Vapor Power into our United States and Latin America ("US-LAM") reportable segment.
The total purchase price for Vapor Power was $107,523, with cash acquired of $7,051, for a net closing purchase price of $100,472. The total purchase price is based on customary adjustments for cash acquired, preliminary working capital adjustments, outstanding indebtedness, and transaction expenses. The Vapor Power acquisition was funded with cash on hand, the existing revolving credit facility, and an expanded term loan amended on December 29, 2023 in connection with the transaction.
Acquisition Costs
In accordance with GAAP, costs to complete an acquisition are expensed as incurred. Total acquisition costs recognized in the Vapor Power acquisition were approximately $1,527, recognized in fiscal 2024. These fees represent legal, advisory, and other professional fees paid by the Company to complete the acquisition.
Preliminary Purchase Price Allocation
We have accounted for the Vapor Power acquisition according to the business combinations guidance found in ASC 805, Business Combinations, henceforth referred to as acquisition accounting. Acquisition accounting requires, among other things, that assets acquired and liabilities assumed be recognized at their fair values as of the acquisition date. We used primarily Level 2 and 3 inputs to allocate the purchase price to the major categories of assets and liabilities shown below. For valuing the customer-related intangible assets, we used a common income-based approach called the multi-period excess earnings method; for the marketing-related and developed technology intangible assets, we used a relief-from-royalty method. The carrying values of inventories and property, plant, and equipment, and leases were adjusted to fair value, while the carrying value of any other asset or liability acquired approximated the respective fair value at time of closing.
The allocation of the purchase price to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, including the residual amount allocated to goodwill, is based upon preliminary information and is subject to change within the measurement period (up to one year from the Vapor Power Acquisition Date) as additional information concerning final asset and liability valuations is obtained. The fair value of the acquired intangible assets at December 31, 2023, of $44,521, was provisional pending receipt of the final valuation report for those assets from a third-party valuation expert. Additionally, we are still evaluating Vapor Power's customer contracts and related revenue recognition policies, and as such, the value of contract assets and/or contract liabilities is subject to change. During the measurement period, if new information is obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the Vapor Power Acquisition Date that, if known, would have resulted in revised estimated values of those assets or liabilities as of that date, we will revise the preliminary purchase price allocation. The effect of any measurement period adjustments to the estimated fair values will be reflected in future updates to our purchase price allocation. Goodwill will be deductible for tax purposes and generally represents expected synergies from the combination of efforts of the acquired business and the Company.
Preliminary Purchase Price Allocation - Vapor Power
Amortization Period (years) Fair Value
Cash $ 7,051 
Accounts receivable 8,683 
Inventories 8,254 
Other current assets 1,693 
Property, plant and equipment 2,576 
Operating lease right-of-use assets 2,700 
Customer relationships(1)
2 - 15
Trademarks 10 7,879 
Developed technology 15 13,689 
Goodwill 51,750 
Total fair value of assets acquired $ 127,228 
Current liabilities (17,156)
Operating lease liability (2,549)
Total fair value of liabilities acquired $ (19,705)
Total purchase price $ 107,523 
(1) Included in the customer relationships intangible assets is $4,407 related to customer backlog with an estimated useful life of 2 years.
Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information
The following unaudited pro forma results of operations assume that the Vapor Power acquisition occurred at the beginning of the periods presented. These unaudited pro forma results are presented for informational purposes only and are not necessarily indicative of what the actual results of operations would have been if the Vapor Power Acquisition had occurred at the beginning of the periods presented, nor are they indicative of future results of operations. The pro forma results presented below are adjusted for the removal of Vapor Power Acquisition and other related costs of $250 and $217, in the three months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 Three Months Ended June 30, 2023
Sales $ 115,126  $ 115,859 
Net income 8,631  11,347